Archive for June 1st, 2009

June 1, 2009

Luscious Hair

curlWOW! So I’ve been completely Internet free this entire weekend…beginning at 2p.m. Friday afternoon, and I have to say…I was going crazy!  I couldn’t check e-mail, update my Netlfix, check my account balance, update this blog…google conversation tid bits I had at work on Saturday…I was pretty much adrift for 2 1/2 days.  And then again…I survived…popped in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’…washed those dishes….laundry…food shopping…cleaned my place…organized that shelf…cleaned my purse where everything goes to get lost…and washed/deep conditioned/styled my hair!

I had plans to apply yet another bentonite treatment because my scalp has been responding so well to it…but chickened out at the last minute.  I did go ahead with a pre-poo using Trader Joe’s Nourish Condish, an old favorite of mind that works fantastically well whether you’re co-washing or pre-pooing. After applying the Condish, I saturated my hair with H2O, added a bit more Nourish Condish to my scalp and hair to co-wash, then swished in an ACV mix, applicator bottle style…with a bit of hemp oil and Khoret’s Amen Oil.  With some condish still left in my hair, I applied the ACV to my scalp and massaged for a good 5-7 minutes…the extra condish does make the process easier.

maskTo alleviate some of the ACV smell, I finished with Nature’s Gate Tea Trea Calming…massaging into the scalp then throughout the hair.  DC this week was Karen’s Luscious Locks Moisturizing Hair Mask, under a heating cap for 45 minutes.  This was my first time using the mask which I earned during one of Karen’s Freebie Fridays!! It was a 4oz jar that was just enough to cover my entire head, after rinsing I was seriously hearting this condish!


Here are the goods from the site:

Conditioning doesn’t get deeper than this because everything you need for your hair is in this jar.  Detangle, soften, strengthen, grow.  Saturate your strands with this rich blend of herbs like shikakai and rosemary which are known to promote hair growth, arnica and nettle to strengthen your hair follicles and aloe for much needed moisture.  It is called Luscious Locks for a reason.

Ingredient wise:

Purified Water, Jojoba & Coconut Oils, Vegetable Glycerin, Vegetable Wax, Shikakai, Amla, Yucca, Horsetail, Nettle & Melissa Extracts, Panthenol, Rosemary Essential Oil, Vitamin E and Natural Enzymes


I detgangled quite easily, separating into twists as I went along, cold rinsed then styled with Karen’s Hair Nectar under Afroveda’s Shea Amla Whipped Butter Creme.  I clipped my roots down, but didn’t seal ends with my Hemp Butter because I’m beginning to believe the Shea Amla does a superb job in sealing in the moisture. This week, only addition to my regime was opting to air dry instead of using my soft-bonnet &…. the hair mask which has left me seriously torn!  For $25 you’ll come away with a 8oz jar, but…my PJ budget these days is forcing me to reconsider and find different alternatives…at least for the moment.  Yet it’s still gratifying not to have to search high and low for a DC that would work well with  my hair! Thus far, the serious contenders are my tried and true Curl Rehab & now Karen’s Hair Mask!  This morning after untwisting and separating, I smoothed a generous dollop of KBB hair cream over the top…something that truly makes a difference as far as retaining first day frizz and adding amazing shine!


*Shea-Moisture Giveaway update:  So here’s what I was a bit clueless about, the Shea-Moisture Leave-in isn’t readily available at most BSS stores , and because I’m still getting e-mails asking about the leave-in,  I’m extending the giveaway until Wednesday @ 3p.m., so others can still enter to win!