Archive for June 15th, 2009

June 15, 2009

Hair Prospects

curlCould it be? I’m posting on time! Well…at the very least, as I type I have EVERY intention of posting this before I head off to lunch. Internet access is still sparse in my parts so I’m making do by sneaking lines and paragraphs wherever I can. The sun barely made an appearance this past weekend…I mean it’s like we inherited the hum drum that is London fog over the past several weeks, with nary a day that we haven’t seen rain. Here’s how I’m taking it…I’m arming myself with a game plan that will consist of up do’s, headbands, and a but load of bobby pins to secure this thing on my head.

I’m blaming it on the weather again, the fact that my body is growing increasingly lazy when it comes to doing my hair each week. The prospect of pre-pooing, washing, conditioning, detangling and styling has honestly felt a bit of a drag lately. My list of ‘things to do’ on my only day off is unfortunately/thankfully growing, but the time it takes to do my hair hasn’t gotten shorter…or easier for that matter. I grumbled a lot this week…even while I pre-pooed with leftover Suave coconut condish, applied my bentonite recipe using marshmallow root powder, nettle powder, ACV, and about three tablespoons of Hairveda’s CoCasta Shikakai Oil. I sat diligently with the mix in my hair for 45 minutes, co-washed with Trader Joe’s Nourish Condish, and detangled at the same time to cut back on time. No DC this week, because apparently I was out! Didn’t realize until the last minute and thought my hair could go without.

Totally-203x151[1]After detangling and separating into twists, cold rinsed then styled with KBB’s Hair Nectar and Afroveda’s Totally Twisted Ginger Almond Butter Crème, a somewhat lighter take on the Shea-Amla Creme, so I took a chance and found that it held it’s own.   I dried this week using my Soft Bonnet, mostly due to lack of time, and woke up this morning to about 99% dry hair. Much better than last week, and definitely dry enough so I wouldn’t have to worry about potential frizz once I stepped outside. I smoothed some KBB hair cream over the top for a bit of added shine, and pinned my hair instead of first day twist out hair. It was again raining as I stepped outside, so pinning the hair back was a good choice if I intend for the style to last for the rest of the week.

I’m anxious to try my Curly Fro again this week, if the weather plays nice for a change. I did notice though a lot more tangles and knots in my hair…especially over the past few weeks. Strangely, I’ve been able to retain more length over the past couple of months, and my hair has been growing! This is a good thing, because:

a. I’ve finally gained victory over my heat damage fiasco last year &

b. I must be doing something right with my regime, so kudos to me;-).

But the on flipside to more tangles and longer hair means, proper maintenance, i.e. regular trims. One of my fav bloggers, erin over at , got her trim this past week, and it looks FAB! Her stylist managed to keep a nice shape, and not cross the line of scissor happiness. I’m thinking by the end of this month my hair would’ve reached it’s limit…after all there is so much pulling and tugging a Denman brush can do before it’s worn out.  So either I’ll piece together some pennies and bills or do it myself yet again.


Alright, off to lunch;-)