Archive for May 4th, 2009

May 4, 2009

Processing Normal

curlStill waiting for April showers to bring some May flowers…but in the meantime I stayed home for the majority of this past weekend to clean my place and my hair!  A little nervous because while I recently did do a product haul, a lot of what I’d gathered together were mostly body products, etcetera for Mother’s Day.  I was out of my Donna Marie’s Pudding, out of all my fav Afroveda products, had next to nothing left on the Blended Beauty end…instead I had to improvise and dig deeeeeeper into whatever I’d had left or hadn’t used.

I pre-pooed this week with the remainder of my Nature’s Gate Hemp Condish before lightly rinsing and applying my Alaffia Recovery Shampoo.  Again, Shampoo was distributed with an applicator bottle, but this week to prevent that stripping feeling I’d felt last week, I added some TLC…a.k.a oils! Added about a TBSP of each:

  • Hemp Seed Oil
  • Khoret Amen Hair Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil

 Shook all together in a bottle, evenly distributed and treated myself to a nice scalp massage.  I have to say, the oils DID in fact make a difference!  My hair came out perfectly cleansed and while I was massaging I noticed my curls defining and separating, which rarely happens with a cleanser (*exception Oyins Honey Wash.)

DC’d this week with Aubrey Organics White Camellia Rose which I’m determined to finish.  While I do like this conditioner and feel it’s quite effective while I detangle and twist…eh, the smell I could certainly do without, and compared to the Honey Suckle Rose…well lately there is no comparison.  The Honey Suckle Rose works a smidge better on my hair, at least in the moisture dept.  Next week I plan to use the remainder White Camellia as a pre-poo mix with H2O.

cocoahempAfter detangling and twisting I cold-rinsed and styled this week with KBB Hair Nectar paired with Donna Marie’s Cocoa Hemp Buttercreme.    I purchased this during my last product haul, and simply forgot I’d had it! For $10 bucks I had a 4oz jar with a creamy thick consistency, similar to a shea-loe mix, but with a strong cocoa scent! My only concern using this  was moisture.  I knew it had the power to moisturize my hair, but with recent change in weather I didn’t want to over do it, which is why I opted for a lighter leave-in with the Hair Nectar.

I applied both products, clipped my roots, said hello to my bonnet dryer for 2 whole hours and finally undid my twists this morning for the results.  Before untwisting, sealed with Afroveda’s Hemp Butter, and added a touch of KBB hair creme to soften the rest.  Final results are good! I highly doubt I’ll have to moisturize before heading to bed tonight because my hair feels soft, has movement and just enough shine.  I did forget to moisturize my scalp, which is a must later,  but overall I’m just happy to have my hair back after last week’s results with the buttercreme.