Archive for May 27th, 2009

May 27, 2009

Rhyme…nor Reason

curlIt’s definitely been a backwards sort of dazzy maze these past couple of days.  My laptop is back to the PC morgue and I’ll be posting a bit sporadically until I can muster up the courage and the $$ to buy a new one, but aside from those fuddy issues, a girl still has to do her hair right?  Yah…and I truly believed that with the long weekend I’d have zero problem treating my hair to a lovely deeeeeeep condition, and all the other goodness I have in my stash. Well, Sunday came and it was glorious! The air was sweet and warm and sunny…I ended up getting down with my hair well into the afternoon. 


I pre-pooed with AOHR mixed with water, followed by another bentonite treatment.  I used the same mix as last week, bentonite, marshmallow root powder, & nettle powder and a couple tblspof Hemp oil.  Application was a breeze, but my place was admittedly getting terribly hot & humid.  I left the mix in for a good hour, co-washed the clay out with Nature’s Gate Tea Tree Calming condish and added Oyin’s Honey Hemp Conditioner to help detangle.  Okay, so I seriously wanted to detangle, twist, then rinse out the condish…but the rising temperature in my room put me in a pretty ansy mood.  I had friends enter, then immediately vacate my room because it resembled nothing short of a brewing sauna. Instead of rinsing the condish out, I left it in overnight, applied Oyin’s Shine & Define on my still damp twists the following morning, retwisted the hair and went about my biz as usual. 

It wasn’t the most ideal way to style my hair, but nonetheless I got the job done and my do held up pretty well for work Tuesday morning.  My only concern with leaving the condish in overnight was of course…over conditioning.  The twists did feel a bit hard to the touch, so I smoothed some Burnt Sugar Pomade over the top.  I think this week’s process was a brief glimpse into how I might need to switch up some things in the coming weeks in light of the change in temperature.  A change in products is for sure on the horizon, BUT…not before I finish the jars and tubs of buttercremes I have lying around.


*Full Reviews on all Oyin goodies mentioned above to come!

*Sample of the Miss Jessie’s Curl Creme goes to lady Michelle.  E-mail me your addy, and I’ll drop in the mail;-)