PJ News! Afroveda Sale!

AfroVeda - The NATURAL Choice!



MissBhreeIt is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous outside today! And thankfully this fabulous weather is going to leak right into our much needed looooong weekend. To be honest I completely forgot about Memorial Day weekend until my mother asked if I had any plans for the weekend.  Typically with a grande holiday like Memorial Day sales abound left and right whether it’s online, dept. stores etc.  But the Afroveda sale  is the one I’ve been keeping tabs on for a while.  Mala is offering 10-25% off a wide selection of customer favorites! The promo began this past week and ends after the holiday, May 31st.  All my staples are on sale, so I’m taking advantage.  Oh! The seven collection is also marked down!!! I’ve been hesitant to sample because of the price but the Hydrating Hair Creme has been calling my name. 

Rich in Pro Vitamin A, Buriti oil is an excellent moisturizer, antioxidant, and protector for damaged and color treated hair. A proprietary oil complex infused with Ayurvedic herbs provides additional antioxidant protection from the environment and intensive rehydration to the hair shaft. Buriti means “Tree of Life”.

I likey a lot, so it might be this and my other Vata Dosha loot;-)

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